First EMEcs Focus group in Verona – 12 November 202

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On 12 November 2021, EMEcs Project’s partners, together with other relevant stakeholders met in Verona, Italy, to discuss how COVID-19 countermeasures and restrictions affected and changed the mobility of posted workers in the EU.
Giovanni Carapella, Director, National Paritarian Committee for Buildings Workers’ Welfare Funds –CNCE (Italy), reported that restrictions severely affected mobility of construction workers in EU, despite limitations to economic activities affected only marginally construction.
Participants provided an overview from different EU Member States, with a closer focus on Italy and Germany. It emerged that during the COVID-19 crisis, not only mobility but also risks become more complex. In the construction sector problems with labour availability and turnover were recorded, as well as a rise in the prices of materials, a dramatic increase in accidents as well as social dumping.
Some Italian sectoral funds (Casse Edili) joining the event stressed that labour shortages could lead to an increase in posting, yet remaining undeclared or in breach of the obligation to register at Casse Edili, as data from the national declaration tool suggest. Participants also highlighted the importance of policies aimed at young people and women as well as the work of construction schools and their ability to interact with construction companies to promote regularity, prevention of accidents at work and reduction of COVID-19 risk.
Economically, the impact of COVID-19 was milder than expected. Signs of recovery, also in terms of orders and in mobility of workers, were reported already in the late 2020. Participants, stakeholders, and project partners agreed that the European construction sector reacted positively to the pandemic.