First EMEcs country reports available online

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The country reports addressing Germany, Italy, Portugal, Romania, and Spain are now available online.

The reports provide key background information for the project, assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and of related restrictions on the construction sector, with a focus on trends in posting and on emerging needs of companies and workers involved in posting.

More into detail, each report investigates: measures restricting free movement of workers and production, the actual impact of the pandemic on posting as per available figures and evidences; problems encountered by companies involved in posting (e.g. in arranging mobility of workers or in providing adequate accommodation); problems encountered by posted workers (e.g. remaining blocked in the host country or facing difficulties in accessing social benefits and aids); evidences of COVID-19 outbreaks in construction sites, including related information on geographical areas affected and involvement of posted workers.

Reports are available in the Resources section and at the following links.

Country report Germany

Country report Italy

Country report Portugal

Country report Romania

Country report Spain