EMEcs PROJECT (VS/2020/0497)

You are currently viewing EMEcs PROJECT (VS/2020/0497)<br>ONLINE WORKSHOP

JOIN US ONLINE – 30 November – From 15.00 to 17.00

EMEcs workshop:

Strengthening social protection for posted workers in times of emergency. 
Insights from the experience of supervisory bodies, social partners, paritarian institutions, and firms across Europe

AEIP and the whole EMEcs partnership are pleased to invite you to the online workshop “Strengthening social protection for posted workers in times of emergency”, organised on 30 November 2022 as part of the European Market Environment in the Construction Sector (EMEcs) Project.

The aim of the workshop is to present the project’s EU handbook, which analyses features and limits of initiatives meant to support construction companies and workers in the health and safety, social protection, and vocational training domains during the pandemic in countries covered by the partnership (Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, and Spain). Standing from the perspective of posted of workers, the report provides some hints on gaps in the adopted policies and on possible improvements for the future, which will be discussed  with social partners, paritarian funds and stakeholders active in the construction sector.

Dates: 30 November 2022, from 15h to 17h CET
The programme is available here.
Where: Online (Zoom)
Registration is open here.
Login information will be sent to every registered participant before the event.
For any further information and questions, please contact Giuseppe Perretti.