EMEcs activities have been succesfully completed back in December 2022, involving a number of events to discuss and reflect on the impact of the pandemic on mobility of workers in construction as well as on the legacy thereof.
For the partnership, the need to organise online events in place of physical events was certainly an impact, and will somehow represent a legacy for the future.
Overall, four key online events have been organised, all recorded for dissemination purposes. Videos are also available for two events that took place in Bologna, on the 21st of October 2022, the second Mutual Learning Seminar, and the Dissemination Event.
You can find a short guide to these resouces in the paragraphs and links below.
2nd Mutual Learning Seminar: Digital technologies for safe and regular employment in construction sites: which opportunities ahead? – 21/10/2022 (Bologna)
The Seminar gathered partners from Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Spain to present features of selected tools capable of improving regularity and safety in construction, and to discuss possible improvements in enforcement activities with stakeholders. More in detail, during the first session, speakers illustrated features of tools like data sharing platforms, ID cards for construction workers, software to manage construction sites. The second session, in Italian language, discussed risks and opportunities from the use of similar digital technologies in enforcement activities with the Italian National Labour Inspectorate, as well as with social partners and representatives of the Italian paritarian institution CNCE.
First session: LINK
Second session: LINK
Dissemination Event – 21/10/2022 (Bologna)
The Dissemination Event briefly illustrated key takeaways from the project from the perspectives of partner organisations.
1st online workshop: Digital technologies for safe and regular employment in construction sites: which opportunities ahead? – 25/10/2022
The first online workshop presented some of the experiences illustrated in the Bologna Mutual Learning Seminar for an online audience, complementing them with cases from Poland, Romania, and Belgium. The event prosecuted with a debate on opportunities from the use of digital technologies in enforcement activities involving a member of the European Platform tackling Undeclared Work and a representative of the European Commission.
2nd online workshop: Strengthening social protection for posted workers in times of emergency – 30/11/2022
The second workshop illustrated insights and proposals from the analysis of good practices and gaps in the protection of posted workers from Covid-19 health and economic threats.
Following a summary of findings from the EU Handbook, the workshop proposed a debate on the topic between FIEC and ETUC, and concluded with concrete proposals to improve protection of posted workers by the German partner SOKA BAU.
3rd online workshop: E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle? Dati, sfide e prospettive per l’edilizia del post-pandemia [Have we come forth to rebehold the stars? Data, challenges and perspectives for post-pandemic in construction] – 6/12/2022
The third workshop, held in Italian language, sided a summary of project’s findings with insights on the impact of the pandemic from the local experience of a member of the paritarian OSH Committee of Bologna, and of the director of the sectoral fund for construction workers of Gorizia, an Italian province on the border with Slovenia. The event concluded with a recap on legislation on posting.
Final conference – 16/12/2022
Departing from cases analysed during the project, and from information illustrated in the Discussion paper and in the EU Toolkit, the final conference presented key findings and proposals for fair and safe mobility in the construction sector. The event involved also external stakeholders, including a representative from ELA. As a final event, it aimed to carry forward the main messages of the EMEcs project.
LINK (Interventions in original language)
LINK (Interpretation in Italian language)
You can find other project related videos in the CNCE EMEcs playlist available here. Enjoy!