Consortium partners
The Joint National Committee for Buildings Workers’ Welfare Funds (CNCE) is an institution founded by the construction workers’ trade unions and the employers’ organisations of the construction industry.
Pursuant to the sectoral collective agreements, CNCE is entrusted the coordination of the 113 building workers’ welfare funds (Casse Edili) active throughout Italy at local level.
The main activity of Casse Edili is to intermediate a share of construction workers’ wage, receiving contributions by employers meant to pay the payment of holidays, of the thirteenth month pay and of other indemnities.
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Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini srl SB (FGB) is a private organization developing, applying and disseminating evidence-based policy design, delivery and evaluation at all governance levels. Working conditions, industrial relations, and equal opportunities are among its main fields of activity.
FGB promotes dialogue and a continuous knowledge exchange bridging the academic and policymaking communities, governments, civil society, and private sector.
Click here for more information.
The Labour Foundation for Construction of the Asturias Principate (FLC Asturias) is a non-profit bipartite organization created in 1992 by the representative institutions of the construction sector: Confederación Nacional de la Construcción (CNC), Comisiones Obreras de Construcción y Servicios (CCOO-CyS), and Federación de Industria, Construcción y Agro de UGT (UGT-FICA). Its main goals are to improve professional training and skills amongst the workers, promote health and safety in the workplace and generally improve employment.
The Budowlani Trade Union unites over 10,000 workers throughout Poland – construction and building material workers, housing cooperative members, foresters, environment protection workers, woodworkers, furniture industry workers and others. The Trade Union, founded over 125 years ago, is a legal successor to many unions once operating within the sectors covered by its activity. Its members are active in over 260 basic organizations (company-wide and intercompany alike) in 14 Districts, with the area covered by them being tied directly to national administrative divisions.
SOKA BAU is a paritarian institution established by the social partners of the German construction industry. The social partners are called Zentralverband Deutsches Baugewerbe, Hauptverband der Deutschen Bauindustrie (employers’ organisations) and IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt (trade union). SOKA BAU unites two institutions under one roof: Urlaubs- und Lohnausgleichskasse der Bauwirtschaft (Paid Leave Scheme and Vocational Training Scheme of the German construction industry – ULAK) and Zusatzversorgungskasse der Bauwirtschaft (Pension Fund of the German construction industry – ZVK). Together these two institutions protect the leave entitlements for domestic and posted blue-collar workers, manage the pension fund and co-fund the vocational training for workers and companies in the construction industry.
The University Institute of Lisbon – ISCTE, founded in 1972 is one of Portugal’s first modern universities, with the central aim of studying labour and social dynamics in a rapidly changing world. The University is actively engaged in collaborative projects, networks, and partnerships around the world, including a range of educational, training and research programs supported by the European Union.
The European Association of Paritarian Institutions of Social Protection (AEIP) is a Brussels-based advocacy organization representing Social Protection Institutions established and managed by employers and trade unions on a joint basis within the framework of collective agreements. In particular, AEIP deals – through dedicated working groups – with EU coordinated pension schemes, pension funds, healthcare schemes, unemployment schemes, provident schemes, paid holiday schemes and health & safety at work.
Click here for more information.
The Social House of Builders is established under the Romanian Law no. 215/1997. It is a paritarian institution, managed jointly by the social partners of the construction industry that are representative at sectoral level. CSC is supporting income stability for workers of the construction and material manufacturing sector by means of allowances and benefits funded by contribution of sectoral employers and employees and of beneficiaries of construction works.
Click here for more information.